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More people visit your site on mobile devices than desktop devices, that’s old news.

But what you may find surprising is that on average people who visit your site on a mobile device have the potential longer than they would on a desktop. This is because most of us use mobile devices when we have more time to read and research something. On the train, at the dentist’s office or during our lunch break. Whereas often at our desk we are multi-tasking, looking for quick solutions and information

So what is the take out here:

Optimise for mobile

Ensure that your site is optimised for mobile, nothing will make mobile visitors bounce out of your site quicker than content that does not fit on their screen.

Deliver content with all readers in mind.

  • For the time poor: Short sharp information bites with links to solutions and desirable outcomes.
  • For the time rich: Use “read more” links to expand and explain the details, educate and build trust.

Remember your content is not there just to get the sale. Good content will educate, build trust and create advocates who will refer and recommend your brand

Photo by from Pexels
Earle Webber
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Earle Webber

Author Earle Webber

With over 20 years experience in the online marketing space, Bobby-Earle can assist your business to maximise your market reach, increase your following and convert followers into clients

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